For anybody using Windows, my current workaround is to create a scheduled task that runs after Tixati makes backups. The Powershell script I run to create this task is:
$move_str =
"Move-Item backup-`$(Get-Date -UFormat `"%Y-%m-%d`")-11-45-00.tixaticonfig " +
"-Destination C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\Documents"
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell" `
-Argument "-WindowStyle Hidden -Command Invoke-Expression `'$move_str`'" `
-WorkingDirectory "C:\Users\$env:USERNAME\Desktop"
$trig = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At $([DateTime]"11:50")
$set = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet
$task = New-ScheduledTask -Action $action -Trigger $trig -Settings $set `
-Description "Move Tixati config backup to chosen location"
Register-ScheduledTask -InputObject $task -TaskName MoveTixatiBackup `
-TaskPath \usr
To make this work on your system, change
to the time your backup occurs and change
(line 6) to the time you would like the task to run. If you would like to backup to a location other than Documents, change the path after
to where you would like your file moved.
Also, you can remove backticks at the end of lines and combine them with the next lines if you want to.