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Tixati 1.96 re-dl last pieces of file after each PC reboot.

by Guest on 2013/11/05 12:05:19 PM    

I've been using Tixati for some time now, but recently each time I start it somehow most of seeded files needs to be completed cause they are completed only in 98-99%
I don't delete files so whats going on?
by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/07 01:38:11 AM    
this issues has been reported here on the forum several times. We faithful trust it will be addressed in an upcoming update.
by Guest on 2013/11/08 12:17:12 PM    
Thanks for reply :) I've noticed it has something to do with "dnd_file_crust". It removal makes Tixati unsure what has been downloaded, even though downloaded files arent changed/removed. Hoping next update will solve this :)

by Pete on 2013/11/09 10:08:56 AM    
You have just answered your question ;) . "dnd_file_crust" are files needed when torrent is downloaded partially. dnd most likely means: do not delete.
by Guest on 2013/11/14 03:51:42 PM    
But those files are even when file is 100% complete. And what is odd, previously (before format) I didn't notice those files, nor have any issues with Tixati..
by Pete on 2013/11/16 06:25:17 PM    
These files will appear always when a torrent is not downloaded completely. Tixati shows 100% when all selected files are complete. dnd_file_crust files are hidden in user profile directory by default (on Windows). There is an option: "Incomplete files storage location" in Settings > Local Files, it affects not only incomplete pieces but dnd_file_crust files location too. Revert the path do default or make a special folder for these files so that they won't be removed again.
by Guest on 2013/11/21 10:50:10 AM    
Thanks for clarification! Now I understand why the issue occur. Previously I was using µTorrent and there "incomplete files" are simply files being downloaded - not additional "dnd" files. Thats why I change defalud folder path for those, like I did on µT.
Any ways thx for info, and regards :)
by Guest on 2015/03/21 03:38:41 AM    
I know this thread is really old but I thought I would reply to just add a bit of extra info.

Your will get these crust files even if it is a single file in the torrent and it is fully downloaded.  Downloaded files are rarely an integer product of the piece size.  Torrents are always downloaded as a integer number of pieces.  So in most cases there will be a small part of the torrent that is not part of the complete file, this left over data(crust) must be stored somewhere.

This was a problem on my Asus T100 which only has a 64G drive, there were several Gb of crusts stored on the boot drive even though the actual torrent files were stored elsewhere - got that space back!
by Pete on 2015/03/22 10:46:17 AM    
This is another topic. I never had this problem. Last month I was forced to reinstall my Windows system. After that all I needed to do is to: install Tixati; copy over old %appdata%\tixati folder; copy torrent contents to same locations; start Tixati. It did a quick file check (not a hash check), and started right away with everything like it was on the old installation.
by Nili on 2015/03/24 09:34:16 PM    
Yes i know , but have similarities in terms of last pieces loss.

You're lucky didn't had concern like mine, i had back on Ubuntu 12.04 | Linux Mint 14 / 15 even on 16. Then passed to Debian also changed the torrent client.

However for me Tixati remains the most completed Torrent client for Linux.

P.S. seems someone not like my post ^above :) ok, don't worry, I am a goer anyway.

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