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Wireless Internet connection auto disconnects.

by Guest on 2013/11/04 11:35:18 PM    
I am able to reconnect to the wireless network in a heartbeat, but sure enough after a few minutes of downloading a file, my connection just disconnects. If anybody has any answers it would be greatly appreciated. Also I am sorry if this is an easy fix and therefore a dumb question, don't mean to waste anybodys time; I have researched this a little bit, but can't seem to find anything.
by Guest on 2013/11/09 02:22:15 PM    
Is this only happens when you are downloading through tixati or all the time?generally tixati has nothing to do with wireless connectivity issue. As I also use wifi and face no problem. It may happen if your router or your wireless device gets hot. Try connecting through lan and see what happens.If it disconnects then I think your ISP is disconnecting the connection. If nothing happens change your wireless device.

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