by Guest on 2016/11/16 11:20:15 PM
Welcome to the forum.
You can certainly also add your request to the threads on this PAGE of forum posts (or search for "backup") for #1
For #2, can you give a specific reason you want to recheck media automatically?? You can always choose a single file, or a whole transfer by right click -> location -> recheck
This is for instances where you may already have the data elsewhere as you said, or to try and merge disparate .torrent data. It is true you may need to verify the data after moving drives, but Tixati takes care of this piece by piece, which is why moving within the program can sometimes take a WHILE, especially over slower/network drives.
Since I pretty much run min specs required for Tixati, If this were built-in all i see are problems with extra overhead for little benefit.
If you're talking about specifically loading .torrents there's already a setting for that. Same as a folder to monitor "inbox" like your email. There is also a setting you can turn on so the transfer doesn't go to 0% but ERROR: FILE MOVED if for instance you rearrange outside the program so it doesn't start over when you maybe forgot to update the folder for your .torrent data.
Thanks for contributing and i would like to hear more about your ideas
I wanted to double-check periodically downloaded to removable media because it was conveniently implemented in utorrent. In different circumstances, have to disconnect or connect the removable media later start tixati. Of course you can also update manually but it is necessary to do often. The rest of your program is almost perfect. The program has grown in recent times when I tried to use it a year ago. But what it lacks detail ...