by Guest on 2016/11/14 05:51:14 PM
Tixati works good. But some files have a dozen leachers from all different countries and none of them are sharing with ME. None of them are Tixati either. I can see they are shareing with each other but I get a few megabytes from them in a week. Is there a setting I can change to get normal feed from these leachers or is there some clients that are blocking feed to Tixati users? Thanks
by Guest on 2016/11/15 03:16:23 AM
Are you selectively downloading (bar chart graphic in name column)... did you go to files tab, and uncheck some of them??
That's part of your problem :/
The best you can hope for situations like that is to keep yourself connectable, keep track of seeds and ips maybe manually readd the peers when they drop, or reconnect to them with double click (Settings -> Behaviour)