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Windows Bug > Scheduled Backup of Settings

by Guest on 2016/11/12 05:43:12 PM    
My PC just updated to the latest Windows 10 build (14393.447), after which my Tixati Portable was as good as freshly installed with all settings back to default, including no RSS, no active torrents, no categories, etc. Luckily I made a backup of my settings recently (or not so much) about two months ago. Since there were minor version changes affecting me, as well as activity changes on my side (added RSS feeds, torrents and categories), I did lose a bit of time trying to get it back to the last state before the reset.

Possible bug:
Since this is the Portable version, it was VERY strange that the settings had been reset. If this is a bug, I am reporting it. If not, is there a workaround?

Possible solution:
I haven't found a way to schedule an unattended backup of Tixati's settings. If there is a way, can someone tell me how to go about it? Otherwise, I would make this a feature suggestion, where one can choose the frequency, as well as how many backups to keep. I would, for instance, like to make daily backups and keep the last 10 or so, deleting any backups older than 10 days.
by Guest on 2016/11/13 12:51:49 AM    
There is no internal function/setting for incremental/G-F-s backups.
You can setup a windows scheduler command for a batch file to copy all your .dat files (search for scripts dsc: room)

Regarding you losing settings, if you did not backup the \Tixati\folder before the windows update, it cleared everything.
It is working like Apple lately where you can not control WHERE the bloatware goes, because the corporations KNOW simply know what you're thinking. That's why they're hiring social engineers and pychology majors to push PR and marketing into EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of your life online.
PORTABLE only means everything is setup sub- parent folder with the EXE in it for settings/folders. I.E. it can all go on a flash drive to be "portable". It does not mean its' not affected by Windows formatting/resetting windows.
If you have the RAM i would actually go to a virtual environment with a better version of legacy windows, xp, 2k3, hell even 7 is better than 10. You cannot remove their monitoring of your usage and data mining.
by Guest on 2016/11/13 12:53:19 PM    
Thanks for the reply. Just to clarify, it was a standard Windows update, not reinstall, format or other reset of my system. I simply got a notification saying "Your system need to restart in order to install new updates" (and yes, I do prefer to keep those on automatic DL, but still having the choice to choose when exactly to install them). After the restart, all other programs seemed to have retained all their settings (installed as well as portable), so having the files from my Tixati Portable program folder on my D: (not C:) drive reset is something I struggle to fathom.

Well anyway, I'd like to suggest an unattended scheduled backups option from within Tixati, meaning no manual multiple .dat file backups, but a single .tixaticonfig backup as when done from Settings > Import/Export at set intervals, with a maximum number of updated backups (see my first post).

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