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Starter lists?

by Guest on 2016/11/08 01:15:13 PM    
Is there a starter list available for us to download and practice with? I'm not sure if I completely understand the software yet, which isn't like me. I can usually pick up really quick on these kinds of things. I think my fear of being caught on a "p2p" freaks me out a bit, so I'm not really playing with it as I normally would. Is there a Starter List found somewhere that I can run through it so at lease I feel a bit more comfortable while I'm learning the ins and outs of it this very elegant piece of software engineering??

Thanks for any help, or for pointing me on any direction you can. Not reg'd yet,

Thanks All!

by Pete on 2016/11/08 11:53:13 PM    
I think these pages are good places to start, however they are a bit outdated.

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