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HiDPI Support

by Guest on 2016/11/06 02:52:34 AM    
Since most new machines and monitors are coming with high DPI displays can we update TIXATI to support these displays.

Its really hard to see some text in the application.
by Guest on 2016/11/06 10:02:42 AM    
... Windows has DPI scaling under Display settings.
Try that. That changes everything on your display. So 1 program doesn't have to change anything.
by Pete on 2016/11/06 09:32:02 PM    
You could use Settings > User Interface > Fonts.
by Guest on 2016/11/06 10:14:32 PM    
@Pete that is true each individual widget would have larger text but that doesn't increase visibility like a "10 foot interface" because the sizes of the windows don't scale, without manual overrides.
I come across this alot for people who have never given a presentation before in our hall. If they can't full-screen it so everything gets % larger fixed-sized text is unreadable at a distance. But in that instance if you're seeing it too small, wouldn't adopting a "large print" option which windows has had... afaik since XP be a better solution? Since the default values are set from windows Display defaults, this would ensure/approximate the same solution??

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