by Guest on 2016/11/05 01:57:40 AM
I noticed that the "Force Check" function will allocate space for the files.
Is that intended?
What happened:
Using Tixati 2.47 Portable on Windows 8.1 I opened a torrent with about 10GB content.
After a short while I moved the torrent (menu Local Files / Location) to another volume (drive letter).
On both drives the Windows Explorer properties dialog said : Size: 10GB, Size on disk: 400 MB
The on the new location I triggered "Force Check". After it finished, the properties dialog said:
Size: 10GB, Size on disk: 10 GB
Also the entire disk usage increased accordingly.
So it seems doing a force check (which I guess is only reading the files) makes the files not sparse any more.
by Guest on 2016/11/05 07:45:27 AM
Force Recheck has to check each piece... which would therefore.. MAKE 00 filled pieces.
You really only want to use "force recheck" for items when you may have deleted a transfer, or added a transfer you downloaded in another client / by other means.
(N.B. this behaviour seems completely logical to me)