by Guest on 2016/11/05 12:47:28 AM
I have some strange crashes with files getting offline after 2.48. The error is something about write and semaphore timeout.
There is a very-very small chance to have a drive going bad, but i don't believe so (no errors or SMART warnings).
by Guest on 2016/11/06 10:18:18 PM
Having had issues with the 32bit 2.48 I spent some time.. You want to look at the "tixati_log.txt" in your "desktop" area.
On windoes that should be %DRIVE_LETTER%\Users\USERNAME\Desktop, and on linux usually "cd ~" in a command window should put you there.
This logfile is either created on crash, or appended (can't tell which because I'm getting "out of memory" whereas before 2.47 worked fine) and tells you date/time/issue :D