jcgeny on 2016/10/31 07:38:31 PM
The scheduler is something very good in the prog .
but if you look at the torrent when it is off then you see that there are some unfinished pieces . may be you could create a new "Stop Xfers2" that will stop the transfers of new pieces when pieces are fully downloaded and uploaded .
that should take few minutes but when relaunching the torrent , the time not wasted by re-sending/re-asking should be a good bonus for all .
by Guest on 2016/11/01 02:14:23 AM
I don't know about using the scheduler, but being able to say "finish current incomplete pieces, but then partial-seed" would be useful. Sometimes I don't want all of the files, currently you have to hope that ordered, and priority OFF gets you what you want.
Sometimes I get huge speed differences when I selective download. But I do know that complete pieces being able to upload instead of staying in queue is better. (Is this handled when queue downloads happen? Because I have noticed I can come back to previous magnet: links and alot of "disconnected" seeds)