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IPv6 DHT Bug: bound to multiple addresses/interfaces

by the8472 on 2016/10/27 06:23:17 PM    
Tixati does not handle hosts with multiple IP addresses properly.

Specifically it seems to bind IPv6 DHT ports to the any local address, which BEP 32¹ and 45²  say it should not.

The IPv6 DHT should use a socket bound to one of the host's global unicast IPv6 addresses rather than the "unspecified address" (::/128). When selecting to which address to bind, Teredo addresses (addresses in 2001:0000::/32) should be avoided if other global unicast addresses are available.

Each socket address must have a distinct Node ID.

   Rationale: To an external observer shared node IDs would look like a node constantly changing its IPs (e.g. unreliable domestic internet connection or a spoofing attack) or port (pathological NAT implementations) and thus deem them as unreliable and evict them from their routing table.

for example after sending a request to /2001:x:xxxx:xxxx:xx:1702:9d5b:a751:12936 I got a response from /2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:4591:3f45:895e:12936
The included version flag in the DHT message is v:0x54583162 or TX1b


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