by Guest on 2016/10/07 12:11:40 AM
Why does Tixati keeps constantly sending and receiving small bits of data when I'm not even downloading any. It is idling in the background. I monitored it and found it send and receive data to random IP address throughout the world. Is this some kind of spyware? Does it steals information in the background without user consent or knowledge? Please reply.
by Guest on 2016/10/07 06:37:35 PM
You have the option of seeing the background information inside SETTINGS -> User Interface -> Output Formatting
Change to File + Protocol to see all data between peers. Change File ONLY for no protocol (HAVE / GET / bitfield) transfer.
Like Pete says they're not random IPs. If you're not doing anything, turn off all settings. No WebUI No DHT no Channels (though without DHT it shouldn't work anyway). Tixati may check the website if you have Settings -> Update Check "auto check for update" enabled. Otherwise it's related to what you have loaded/running/searching.
Look at the DHT tab "searches" tab for current info. OR "statistics" for historical. That activity requires connections both inbound (you are the destination node to the world) and outbound (user initiated searches). Even without any active transfers, load up 1 magnet, or 3 to see, then start them. Since you don't have the INFO dictionary, you would be amazed at all the back-and-forth to get you started on that TRANSFER soon as possible.