To explain this in more detail, a user joins Channel A, Channel B, and Channel C and edits their share list in each one.
Channel A has some shares in it.
Channel B is mirroring Channel A. Channel B also has some additional shares in it.
Channel C is mirroring Channel B.
You would think that Channel C would show all of the shares from Channel A and B, however only Channel B's shares will mirror over to Channel C. It seems that Tixati skips mirroring the shares that are from Channel A.
Is this by design to prevent recursive mirroring of channel shares, or is this a bug?
This issue was found on 2.43 as well as 2.44 a6. Testing was performed on two Windows 10 x64 machines and a Windows 8 x64 machine.
by Guest on 2016/09/21 01:04:33 PM
While seeing this I have another experience, but it was not reproducible with "blank" SHARE info.
My share in the channel is modest (200 links), but does not reproduce with new/low # share info.
If I ##mirror:default up top, everything is OK
If say I do the described bug/feature:
##mirror:dsc:INFOHASH then
default doesn't show up. I tested this on windows 8 x64. Sorry I don't have access to Linux builds.
For ex: i made global "DEFAULT" share
then tried to insert it. It was obvious default became missing in the channel. Note: I did make sure to re-update my share, and cycle the channel.
I did this with the stable and latest alpha.. Is there a set number of ##mirror: allowed, or is the logic unintuitive?? If I could recreate I would send you the files. like described with the trackers GUI problem KH
Thank you for being supportive :D