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Why is it Called Tixati?

by Kaz on 2016/09/14 10:29:38 PM    
See title.

I've been using it for a while, but if I need to kill it for some reason, when I start typing to pull it up again, I always hesitate, trying to remember the name (which I normally don't need to type, as it launches with the computer).

If I knew its etymology, the name would stick in my head better.
by Sailor24 on 2016/09/15 08:53:31 AM    
This thread may make it stick in your head.
by Kaz on 2016/09/15 07:24:10 PM    
Amusing, but not informative.
by Guest on 2016/09/16 02:26:10 PM    
Tixati means the "Soldiers of a garrison or fleet, assigned to a certain station"
by Guest on 2016/09/19 05:32:06 AM    
Isn't a garrison soldier called a "taxati"?

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