by Guest on 2016/09/06 05:59:22 PM
This happens mostly on Linux. I occasionally add a downloaded torrent to Tixati then shut down the system shortly after that (a few minutes later, before it downloaded fully, etc). Under Linux this often leads to situations where Tixati is killed almost immediately and isn't given enough time to write its configuration to the disk, so that after booting the system again these "last-minute" torrents are gone (and previous torrents are rechecked).
Is there any feature to save Tixati configuration immediately after doing something like adding torrents/completing actions/etc?
by Guest on 2016/09/10 12:25:23 AM
On Windows this did happened to me quite a few times, but this was before patch 2.28.
Note from 2.28 changelog:
"improvements to the Windows system shutdown config-saving process"
Maybe they need to apply this fixes and for Linux too.
Have you looked at Import Export?
I'm using the Export feature regularly for the same reasons.
Tixati > Settings > (last item on list) Import Export.
The feature I asked for recently was an automatic write to
a configuration file on a selected interval, day, week etc.
like the option for Listening Port rotation.