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sort transfers by date

by ikas on 2013/08/03 11:16:03 AM    
I understand that that transfers are listed in the order they were downloaded. But once I apply a sort on name or any of the other columns, I do not know how to get it back to sort by download date. There seems to have been a similar question in the old forum which no longer seems accessible.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/08/05 06:13:47 AM    
 ->  ->  ->  then mark:

click  to accept changes and sort away
by ikas on 2013/08/05 06:54:42 AM    
by Guest on 2015/12/19 03:14:42 PM    
I have the same problem but I don't really understand this solution. What do you mean with -> -> ->?

Edit. Ok so I just figured it out its:
Layout-> Select Columns...-> then select Created. The "Created" column will show allowing you to click it which will order your downloads the way they used too.

You guys should make this easier I was getting really annoyed by all my downloads being a total mess.
by cvbn on 2015/12/19 05:24:01 PM    
OP and last guy, don't add any columns, you need to simply click the status column.

That's the default, sorting on the status column, it's the same thing as the "ordered" view.
by Guest on 2016/06/20 04:09:18 AM    
Okay then... Where EXACTLY is this "Status" column located?? Man, I AM looking, but I simply do NOT see it... Am I the ONLY blind man here? You do know however in a room filled with blind men, the one-eyed man is KING!! : P

I JUST installed this program and am stubbing my toes, bouncing around, trying to figure her out. It SEEMS like an UUUBER COOL client. I simply LOVE it. NOT to "keen" on the whole "color" thing though. Being color blind, doesn't help. What so ever. Anyway, I am finding out how to change these so I can actually tell which one is doing what. : )

Thanks guys/gals for such a wonderful program. I am TOTALLY digging this software. Anyway I digress... back to my original question:

by Bugmagnet on 2016/06/21 07:21:31 AM    
Click {Transfers} button on top toolbar
Click {Layout} button on second line far right
Click {Select Columns}
select (x) Status if not already selected
by Guest on 2017/05/11 08:31:56 AM    
I have the status column but when i click it nothing happens. In fact sorting is not working by clicking on any column. Im on Windows 10. Any suggestion guys ?
by BRMateus2 on 2017/05/13 06:19:19 PM    
Set sortable view, not ordered view. Layout config outside settings.
by Guest on 2017/05/19 04:58:04 AM    
ahhh .. excellent .. now sorting works.. thanks @BRMateus2

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