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Active torrents category ?

by Igle on 2016/09/03 08:44:23 AM    
Started using Tixati again after awhile. I am missing active torrents category, i found it very useful in uTorrent. Is it missing in Tixati or i just cant find it?
by Guest on 2016/09/03 02:16:41 PM    
Click on the Downloads category, CTRL+Click on the Seeding category, CTRL+Click on the Queue category.
by HandyMan on 2016/09/03 11:17:36 PM    
Select Seeding Category and sort by B/s Out , the active torrents will be at the top.
by Igle on 2016/09/04 09:24:00 AM    
Yeah it kinda works as a workaround. I would like to sort by ratio or date created though. It isnt hard to implement i think, please consider.
by loninappleton on 2016/09/06 12:42:19 AM    
This relates to my question above.

"Click on the Downloads category, CTRL+Click on the Seeding category, CTRL+Click on the Queue category."

I tried what was indicated:  

but these actions give me an empty window.  And still no Seeding Category.

What gets The Seeding category activated (after I somehow deleted one) from these instructions and doesn't blank out my transfers?
by loninappleton on 2016/09/06 12:49:24 AM    
I will ask this one other way while awaiting reply:

Since one install elsewhere shows the seeding category as default,  can I reset my active install to default?

If it's here I haven't seen it.
by theinvoker on 2016/09/06 05:23:18 PM    
i want active torrents too.
Sorting by b/s is not good because it means i can't sort torrents in any other way

Tixati has 3 buttons to filter torrent status but non of them filter only the active torrents. the first 2 buttons are almost the same. they show unactive torrents while the seeding button show all active torrent seeded also inactive ones.
The 3 buttons should be
-Paused,stopped,with error
-Seeded torrents but not active
-Seeded and active torrents
by Igle on 2016/09/06 06:07:47 PM    
Im not realy sure what you mean, but you can add seeding category by pressing + sign below the categories and selecting "status" type.
by theinvoker on 2016/09/07 04:38:26 PM    
i was talinkg about the filter buttons you can activate in the GUI

Seeding category includes all 3 filters,so it shows all seeded torrents,but i want to see only seeds that are actually active (someone is downloading from me) and not also inactive.

Do you understand now?
by loninappleton on 2016/09/08 07:18:42 AM    

 I've seen the same problems and for me the naming conventions for category creation  are not-- how to say-- intuitive.  Meaning I don't get it.
by Igle on 2016/09/08 11:15:34 AM    
theinvoker, your post wasnt there when i posted mine :)

By the way, i would like to clarify that this active torrent category shouldnt include torrents that are only tranfering overhead or peer exchange data. I've seen those popping up alot when sorted by B/s.
by loninappleton on 2016/09/09 05:24:51 AM    
I'm back and have a Seeding category from the instruction above.

Named the Category Seeding.
Click on Status

and it selects all.

It just shows all transfers which indeed are available to seed... but not the Active ones shown at screen bottom..

All that Control+ Click business is a muddle.  What can be done with what I have now: a Seeding category that shows all, not active transfers?

And give it in steps as in first, second, third etc.

It's the only way I can get through this.
by Guest on 2016/09/11 03:07:17 AM    
IF you have Layout -> Categories -> Sidebar checked
AND you have Layout -> Status Filter checked
You can show only actively seeding categories by selecting either ALL Transfers or SEEDING transfers, and then Selecting Seeds button (blue highlight) and RUNNING (blue highlight)

This only shows active not queued seeds. Does this help?
by Igle on 2016/09/11 11:55:16 AM    
No, it doesnt help. It shows all active torrent who are either transfering torrent data, DHT data, peer exchange, handshakes or just waiting for peers. It would be nice to have active torrent category which shows only torrents that transfer actual torrent file data.
by Guest on 2016/09/12 04:26:41 AM    
"Simple" fix could be to change default of "downloading" or "seeding" to be a minimum value.. >0.1 KBps
OR for the columns to EXCLUDE protocol data (it's already separated out on the main tabs..)?? :D
Please implement. Thank you for Tixati program!
by Guest on 2017/01/15 01:21:14 AM    
This missing feature is my main complaint about Tixati when compared to pretty much any other torrent client. I miss how I could only show the active torrents in uTorrent and then sort them by ratio or name.

Right now the closest to this is to show all torrents and sort them by OUT bytes. This brings the active torrents to the top but they jump around way too much to make this useful.
by Pete on 2017/01/15 06:32:20 PM    
There is also an optional Last Activity column available. You can sort by that column but running active transfers jump a lot too.
by Guest on 2017/01/17 01:02:25 AM    
My main complaint is regarding the hueg refresh (500ms default, unchangeable i guess) penalty when running > 10 active transfers.
by Guest on 2017/01/17 06:34:50 PM    
"It would be nice to have active torrent category which shows only torrents that transfer actual torrent file data."


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