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White Theme By Default

by Malcom_Table on 2016/08/26 01:43:41 PM    
Tixati is indeed king of kings.

But I had to chuckle when I read the reason for the unusual black backed theme being default is "it's more suitable for use in a dark environment". I don't know anyone who turns the lights off when they use a computer.

Like I said Tixati is great but a normal white backed theme would make it more inviting to most users.
by Guest on 2016/08/26 09:37:28 PM    
i usually sit with most lights off in the room when on the computer. the computer monitor is usually bright enough. and I ALWAYS use the dark background.
by Guest on 2016/08/27 12:39:22 AM    
I'm just saying it would make Tixati more inclusive and less intimidating. I don't mean to offend anyone. Sorry I should have worded that differently.
by ZarkBit on 2016/08/27 03:52:44 AM    
boy, am I glad I can change the colors....
by Sailor24 on 2016/08/27 04:56:22 AM    
Change it to what ever you want. Setting user interface color schemes. If you don't like one of those then look back in the forum and find the posts on schemes there are a few torrents floating around with many different choices.
by moonlightrider on 2016/08/27 10:31:02 PM    
But I had to chuckle when I read the reason for the unusual black backed theme being default is "it's more suitable for use in a dark environment". I don't know anyone who turns the lights off when they use a computer.

Like I said Tixati is great but a normal white backed theme would make it more inviting to most users.

So, when the sunlight is hitting the screen you don't bother to close the window blinds? Lots of light hitting the screen is always better to see/read!!! NOT! You must have brightness/contrast on maximum to burn nicely through your eyes. :P

More seriously now, you have no valid point there. You can customize the theme colors for your own taste. Everyone I know try to make the room as dark as possible before going to use pc for some hours. (gaming)
Also, we already have much of cheap white washed windows of the 'great looking'(haha) windows 10!!
by Guest on 2016/10/06 10:13:44 AM    
I know how to change themes :) I wasn't implying there should be no black theme just that it shouldn't be default. At the day there is a reason 95% of applications are white backed and things like terminal and command line are black. Black backed things look like they are aimed at the hard core PC users, outside of your gamer friends who turns the lights off to use the computer. There's nothing wrong with gamers, or "advanced" users but those people know to look through settings to change themes. Personally having a black theme as default makes no difference to me, I always filter through settings, I tweak every application I use. I'd be considered a techy "advanced" user. I think more people would stick with Tixati if it had a white theme.

The title of this thread is kind of offensive in hindsight can you change it to "White Theme By Default"
by Guest on 2016/10/06 07:16:47 PM    
I'm not sure who tested it. but less WHITE on screen actually causes less eye strain whether in dark or light rooms.
It probably has to do with the negative space on a white-background giving us the information versus the positive outline of the letter we need on a black-background.
Since themes are easily changeable and it's right near the top of Settings, it makes sense its little inconvenience to anyone who finds it doesn't suit their taste.

In actuality I found the existence of the THEMES option quite refreshing, Since as long as you put forth the effort, you will be rewarded with a color scheme you like.
Also found THIS file on the share from old forum post magnet:?xt=urn:btih:234c7ripikgdxgaxcm4xo3iwrdpksljm&dn=NovaTerra.colors&xl=9521&fc=1
(Don't forget you can search for the themes pack in channels NovaTerra + 8 others)
by Guest on 2016/10/07 06:04:10 AM    

"At the end of the day" there is a reason 95% of applications are white backed and things like terminal and command line are black. Black backed things look like they are aimed at the hard core PC users...
by loninappleton on 2016/10/12 04:23:55 AM    
I'm another one annoyed by white text on black.  It's infuriating at help sites (see MSI users forum.)  Where's the common sense?
by Spocktopus on 2016/10/16 12:52:41 AM    
Please don't listen to this request. I'm really tired of having to be blinded constantly by white default skinning in software now (especially when you can't do anything about it anymore, like you used to be able to). If most things were developed with a dark interface, it would indeed be less stressful on eyes. I don't know where anyone gets the idea that it wouldn't be. Staring at what are mostly white & light colored windows all day on a screen is much more straining than a screen full of dark windows, which are less strenuous to look at. I know, I spend at least 95% of my waking hours on a computer. I really love Tixati's interface. People wanting this kind of thing are making my life absolutely hell. I used to love my computer, and software a lot more when everything wasn't boxy & white and bright blue/green. My eyes certainly were happier, too.

and honestly, if you can't figure out how to do something simple like learning a dark interface or how to change it, you should probably stick to using an ipad or something. Dark interfaces aren't just for gamers and "advanced" pc users. They're for PC users, period. I'm sick of that ridiculous argument. It's basically asking that everyone else have to deal with ugliness and inconvenience because other people are too lazy, or ignorant about computers. Why is it that these people always win? They are surely not the ones who make up the core of users. I find Tixati to be extremely user friendly. It just takes knowing how to use software & computers normally, which you should already know how to do if you're trying to torrent, to be honest.

Also, once again, the "reason" for the fact most software is like that now has more to do with laziness & inability to actually learn how interfaces should usually work. It's not due to any sort of "common sense" or anything like that. It has to do with a ton of people who are ignorant about computers, using computers now & demanding overly simplistic interfaces because too many options overwhelm them. Honestly it's the reason features keep getting removed from other software. I hope that never ever happens here.
by honest_pirate on 2018/02/14 02:05:32 PM    
This is the dumbest thing i've read here.

If you want "white" client go install utorrent or plethora of other torrent clients that are not black. The unique color scheme of tixati is a part of the brand and you ask them to change it because you prefer white? What's next, you'll ask for an open source version?
by Zombiebeaver on 2018/11/22 09:55:27 AM    
I just downloaded Tixati and was trying to figure out how to make the entire application dark themed when I stumbled upon this. I just now registered an account to reply and say that this was one of the dumbest things I have ever read online. I have seen worse but, this is up there man.

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