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Maximum ratio shown >100?

by david4321 on 2013/10/27 04:19:07 PM    
I noticed when a torrent has been seeding for a while and the ratio gets above 100, Tixati only shows "> 100" in the torrent properties, instead of the actual number (i.e. "upload ratio 113.035" or whatever). Is there any way to change this?
by nnq2603 on 2013/10/28 05:16:17 AM    
Tixati: ratio <0.001 and >100 doesn't show accurace ratio anymore. And I think this behavior occur by design. Apparently no way around. And why do you really want to care about ratio >100 or <0.001?
by Guest on 2013/11/04 08:29:44 AM    
It is very important information on sharing community, all Seeder proud by their ratio
by tribaljet on 2013/11/04 09:41:00 AM    
The question isn't so much why does one care about higher ratios than currently available but why not. Different people have different reasons and needs, and it's not exactly anyone's place to question those if they're not interfering with the software's overall usage. A small sized download can easily rack up 100+ ratio, and unless there is a technical issue in displaying said ratios, there's no reason not to have them.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/07 01:28:27 AM    
can't argue with OC.
But I think the global upload still shows the correct and most significant value, doubtful it would ever reach a ratio exceeding 100. I live to upload (maxing out my UL BW) and my ratio is only 5.2
That rationale aside, 3 digits could show as high as 999
by tribaljet on 2013/11/07 04:21:29 AM    
Thing is, per torrent ratio could be higher since that easily escalates to the hundreds. The global ratio isn't really affected by that in the same order of magnitude, but it's a soft cap (on both) that would be nice to have removed or at least having the ceiling raised.

Having 999 as maximum displayed ratio would help ease things for sure.
by Pete on 2013/11/07 04:03:42 PM    
Actually it's more than 3 digits, there's ">" in front of 100, so it could go even to 9999.
by nnq2603 on 2013/11/09 06:14:17 PM    
So now we're talking about number of character?? Let's say about <0.001 and we've got 6 slots --> Could it go to 999999? I haven't never care such extreme ratio. About >100, agree, maybe it's fine to display, I've got ratio >100 for some torrent from public trackers.. But in public trackers ratio doesn't matter.
by Pete on 2013/11/09 09:53:43 PM    
You are right, I got things mixed up. On the other hand 0.001 has 4 digits, so maybe 9999 is possible. >100 is OK for me too.

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