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Progress indication on Windows Task bar and in Title bar

by Cool Javelin on 2016/08/17 10:13:21 PM    
Tixati is the greatest torrent client since sliced bread.

That said, I would like to request a feature that places a progress indicator in the Windows task bar tab (at the bottom of the desktop in Windows) similar to the way HandBrake does.

I can then minimize Tixati, and monitor the progress using a simple glance rather then opening the program.

Of course, the progress indication would have to be a global one that either averages all the active torrents, or maybe have a setting to show the most advanced torrent.

I don't know how sophisticated one can get with altering the looks of the task bar buttons, maybe it can be divided in half (two progress bars) one showing the most complete torrent, the other showing the average or something.

Also, when hovering my mouse over the task bar tab (when Tixati is minimized,) currently Windows Aero popups up a mini picture of Tixati and the title of the program is also displayed. If it could show the progress in percent there too it would be nice.

Just a thought.


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