by Guest on 2016/08/10 08:25:59 AM
1) really sortable "status" column - now "file missing", "error fast moving", "complete - offline", "offline" are mixed randomly even if "status" column is sorting
2) please add "size of all files in torrent" column ( in addition to "complete" and "total" ) that corresponds to all files in torrent - selected and deselected (with "off" priority)
3) please provide option to delete incomplete-pieces for specific torrent.
4) add "files existing" column/option, to check if files are still on disk.
Let me explain - when i select specific torrent and go to "files" tab, there are options on rightclick - "open" and "open folder". if there are no files, these options are gray and cannot be pressed, which means there are no files on disk - thats check i making every time. if there would be a column like that, it would be nice.
for torrents with single file inside - if file exists then YES
for torrents with many files inside - if folder exists then YES
otherwise NO
Not like "force recheck" - if there are no files on disk, it will make it 0% and move to incomplete, dont need that.
thank you for great software.