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Retrieving .magnet meta-info without downloading file pieces

by Guest on 2016/08/06 06:32:28 PM    
This feels like one of those things that's either just not an option, or is so simple that I'll feel like a dunce when someone explains it:

Can I have Tixati download only meta-date from a .magnet link - including a file list - and not pieces of various files in the torrent?

I regularly download torrents where I only want some of the files. I need a file list so I can deselect (set Priority=Off) on the ones I don't want. The only way I know how to do this is to start the torrent, wait for the meta-data to download, then stop it again - but by that time, Tixati will often have downloaded various file pieces and created dummy files for them.

I've gotten around the problem so far by checking the "Incomplete file name format" option and using a format so that the dummy files are always visibly divided separately from the others (I just start them with a "!" character), so it's not a huge deal, but it'd be nice if I could just skip having to deal with those dummies altogether when I open my download folder and manually copy the files I *did* want to other drives and devices.

(Selecting the option for a separate folder for completed files doesn't seem to change anything; the incomplete dummy files also get put into that folder after the torrent is done downloading.)
by Guest on 2016/08/07 05:08:58 PM    
I believe that you can opt to prompt every time when when magnet-link is loaded. The menu in question is on screenshot. I hope this can help.
by Guest on 2016/08/14 03:00:03 PM    
Brilliant, that was exactly what I needed, and never would have found on my own. Thanks so much! :-)
by crashnburn on 2016/08/18 01:40:23 PM    
Thanks. I needed the same.

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