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Feature request: Set bandwidth by time of day

by Cool Javelin on 2016/07/28 10:24:31 PM    
I love Tixati

The bandwidth limiting feature is a great asset, but....

Sometimes I have many or large torrents to download, and, of course, I have several other things that must share the internet, like my Rokus, computers, and play station.

During the times when I want to use the internet, I would like Tixati to limit to a slower speed, then when I go to bed, let Tixati have at it full speed, (or almost full.)

I would like to set a schedule such that Tixati automatically alters it's bandwidth limits.

by Guest on 2016/07/29 11:11:59 AM    
Hello Cool Javelin

this feature exist
Check this 2 pages from the help & support :
Settings - Scheduler : https://support.tixati.com/settings%20-%20scheduler
Add Scheduler Task   : https://support.tixati.com/add%20scheduler%20task

Click the add button to add a task
A popup menu appears and check the Transfert and Bandwidth menu

Excerpt from the help :

   This area will display what actions will be taken when the task is run. The 'Add' button will present a menu where Transfers, Downloads, Seeds, RSS Feeds, and DHT can be stopped or started by adding them. Bandwidth throttles can be set. The Auto Limit can be turned on or off and set. Bandwidth presets can be applied. Shutdown options and 'from other tasks' options are available to add. If an action is selected and the remove button is pressed that action will be removed.

Hope it helps

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