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When private tracker goes offline

by Nili on 2013/08/03 10:00:57 AM    
Hello on old thread i opened a topic named When private tracker goes offline

Nili » Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:15 am
I use 3 client applications.
On Linux Tixati and Windows uTorrent and BitTorrent.

I have found that when the private tracker goes offline and when it comes again online my profile statistics have been changed to 0.

Example: have done upload 500Mb to someone or 5.64GB to someone else when private tracker goes offline on my profile the registered number per each Upload 500Mb or 5.64GB made 0.

Yes, i know the upload numbers is registered in the tracker as a contribution that I have given, but why my profile change those upload numbers to 0

Not happen the same thing with the other 2 Clients. I have been online with the three client for almost 1week, only with Tixati my profile of stats change to 0 when tracker goes offline.

I do not know how they keeps statistics the other programs mentioned above, but seems to have solved this work.

   Posts: 25
   Joined: Sun Jan 13, 2013 5:05 pm

Glymbol » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:23 am
When a tracker is offline, Tixati tries to refresh it more often. After two unsuccessful retries, it doesn't refresh anymore but announces event started, with zeroed statistics.

Code: Select all
   [11:36:26]  announcing  to tracker > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [11:36:27]  tracker responded OK, 0 IPs returned, 1 seeds + 0 peers on tracker, TTL=30:01 > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [11:36:31]  checking complete, 2477 of 2477 pieces complete
   [12:04:27]  announcing  to tracker > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [12:04:28]  tracker error: Connection refused > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [12:06:28]  announcing  to tracker > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [12:06:29]  tracker error: Connection refused > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [12:09:30]  announcing  to tracker > http ://sometracker.com/announce
   [12:09:31]  tracker error: Connection refused > http ://sometracker.com/announce

It looks like Tixati waits 2 minutes, then retries refresh, waits 3 minutes and refreshes, but next time it announces event started. So if a tracker is inaccessible for a couple of minutes, but later is responding, all upload and download stats since last OK refresh are lost.

   Posts: 229
   Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:52 am

This is more or less, Please take into consideration
Thank you!
by Pete on 2014/02/08 01:19:07 PM    
I found another case when Tixati sends event=started in the middle of a session. As you can see below, after "tracker error: Bad response" Tixati waits for 10 minutes and tries again, but with event started this time, so all upload and download statistics from last 40+10 minutes are lost.

[09:28:06]  announcing [refresh] to tracker > some_http_tracker/announce
[09:28:07]  tracker responded OK, 4 IPs returned, 69 seeds + 4 peers on tracker, TTL=40:00 > some_http_tracker/announce
[10:06:07]  announcing [refresh] to tracker > some_http_tracker/announce
[10:06:29]  tracker error: Bad response > some_http_tracker/announce
[10:16:29]  announcing [started] to tracker > some_http_tracker/announce
[10:16:30]  tracker responded OK, 6 IPs returned, 67 seeds + 6 peers on tracker, TTL=40:00 > some_http_tracker/announce

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