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Always create directory for torrent

by gamall on 2016/07/13 11:58:32 PM    

First post here, so first off: thanks for making Tixati; I migrated after years of using KTorrent and have no cause to regret it, though KTorrent was quite good until it started freezing, with KDE 5. Tixati is  simple, to-the-point, seemingly bugfree, and powerful. In an age where software tends to be either ultra-cluttered or so "simplified" that you can't do what you want with it, it's a breath of fresh air.

Now to my question: is there a way to force Tixati to always create a directory for the torrent (bearing the torrent's name), even if there is only one file in it ?

Also, in version 2.34, I observed that *sometimes*, it would forget incomplete torrents when closed and restarted. I have yet to observe this behaviour in 2.43. I wonder if it was a known bug that's been fixed; I haven't seen it in the changelogs. If it comes up again I'll create a separate topic.

by Guest on 2016/07/28 10:27:43 PM    
no but you can do the opposite,never create the folder

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