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Does selecting Peer Limit x10 help in my circumstance?

by Guest on 2016/07/10 11:56:02 AM    
Howdy!! I am a relatively new user of Tixati. I can absolutely say, this is an AWESOME client. The best that I have discovered thus far. A friend of mine, recommended it to me and I have had NO regrets, whatsoever. THANK YOU!! For such a WONDERFUL program.

Anyway, my situation, at this time if VERY fortunate. As we have Fiber Optics, wired into our home.

This allows for some neck-breaking speeds (at least for me.)

I have 100 Bbps Incoming and 50 Gbps Outgoing. I have done all speed tests, and they are pretty "gnat's-A$$" on target.

Okay, here is my question(s):

I have YET to truly "throttle" this BW to the max. I have recorded, when DL'ing a LOT of heavily seeded Shares, 15Gbps DL speeds. MY Upload, for some reason has only maxed out at ~10 Gbps Up.

HOW can I make this better? In the Upload (seeding) category. I am very patient with Downloading, as not everyone is as fortunate. I have LOL, waited THREE MONTHS, for a 2GB file to Download, once. So Downloading is NOT my main concern here.

IF I choose the "Peer Limit" to x10, on my SEEDS, will this increase the Upload capacity and capabilities of this program? I am afraid that I may inadvertently DECREASE my seeding speeds, by adjusting these numbers.

OR will this actually "help" in maximizing my UPLOAD capabilities??

I am able to "give back" to the P2P community by seeding and I HAVE the BW to do so. I just want to know if this "angle" will help, in any way.

Also, IF you have any other suggestions (other than the "Maximizing Tixati" page) then I am ALL ears. ANY suggestions are welcome.

Thank you, in advance, for ANY help or information that you can lend. : )

PS I JUST realized, that your "Capcha" thing, is COLOR CODED... I am COLOR BLIND. And there are a LOT of color blind people out here... ESPECIALLY men. So changing it to, say a numeric or alpha or even alpha-numeric type system, would work. I would even go for symbols. LOL. I had to ask my five year-old nephew to count the "RED DOTS" for me... :P
by Guest on 2016/07/10 02:18:22 PM    
on the bandwidth tab press the advanced button and select 'Outgoing seeding/trading ratio' and try increasing the percentage for the seeding. it may help. or try giving seeding torrents a higher priority.

as for the capcha, if you cant see one just refresh the page to get a different one, there are ones that dont require you to select colors.

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