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Add New Transfer dialog slow startup

by Guest on 2016/06/22 09:17:13 AM    

I am using Tixati 2.42 x64 on Windows 10.

The "Add New Transfer" dialog is taking several seconds to start after clicking "Add". The rest of the windows/dialogs are fine.

Is that a known issue?

by Guest on 2016/06/22 09:57:54 PM    
when you press add, what tab is it on? is it slow for all tabs or just one in particular? what is your setting for default tab?

are the 'Local Files Location' and 'Move On Complete' visible at the bottom of the add window?

if you open the window and cancel, and then open it again is it still just as slow?
by Guest on 2016/06/23 12:17:08 PM    
when you press add, what tab is it on? is it slow for all tabs or just one in particular? what is your setting for default tab?

- It is on the "Open .torrent File", this is the default.

are the 'Local Files Location' and 'Move On Complete' visible at the bottom of the add window?

- No

if you open the window and cancel, and then open it again is it still just as slow?

- No, it becomes faster. But when I minimize the application for a while then restore, it gets slow again.
by wdc on 2018/02/23 01:03:33 PM    
I have same issue on v.2.56 (a few versions later than OP) & Windows 10 64bit
I have "Local files location" and "Move on complete" visible.
CPU goes 100% for a second and sometimes dialog takes like 3-4 seconds to fully open. :-/

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