by Guest on 2016/06/14 01:31:23 PM
Trying to connect to cache ip with tixati on previous version as well as on 2.42
it says connection reset 10053 (10:10053)
This might be socket error i think but using any other clint I am able to connect to those pool of ip's Location: Unknown
The error from the event log
*** 14-06-2016 ***
[16:45:20] created from tracker
[16:45:20] starting
[16:45:20] initiating connection
[16:45:22] securing connection
[16:45:22] error: Connection reset (10053) (10:10053)
[16:45:22] stopping
[16:45:53] starting
[16:45:53] initiating connection
[16:45:55] securing connection
[16:45:55] error: Connection reset (10053) (10:10053)
[16:45:55] stopping
[16:46:35] starting
[16:46:35] initiating connection
[16:46:37] securing connection
[16:46:37] error: Connection reset (10053) (10:10053)
[16:46:37] stopping
[16:47:17] starting
[16:47:17] initiating connection
[16:47:33] error: Timed out connecting
[16:47:33] stopping
[16:49:11] starting
[16:49:11] initiating connection
[16:49:13] securing connection
[16:49:13] error: Connection reset (10053) (10:10053)
[16:49:13] stopping