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Tixati Trackers Timed Out

by effing on 2013/08/03 04:02:28 AM    
Hi, I've been using Tixati previously with no problems until suddenly one fine day, it decided not to work.

My trackers have been timing out constantly and retrying without avail. I am not sure if any of the settings have to do with the sudden failure, since I have been using default settings (other than bandwidth limit changes etc)

I've tried other torrent programs and all of them have been working fine, so I'm sure that it is not a network problem. If anything I'd prefer a fix this problem and continue using Tixati (especially since most others are riddled with so much adverts and what-not.)
by EvilLivesHere on 2013/08/03 11:42:37 AM    
I have noticed something similar with trackers which use UDP in my Tixati.  Do you notice this as well?  After a while, they start to not respond (they stop responding).  I find that the longer Tixati runs (weeks), the higher chance this has of happening.  I figured it was an issue with my network or computer and found that restarting Tixati tends to solve the issue for me.  If you haven't tried that, see if it helps.  Sorry, I don't have much else to recommend, other then resetting your connection settings to their defaults, although I know you said you didn't change any of them.  Good luck and let me know if you find something that permanently helps fix this.
by Guest on 2013/08/16 07:41:42 PM    
Same problem here, when computer wake up from sleep torrents with these trackers allways timeout

I exit tixati, restart tixati and the trackers are fine.

I also have some peers (ut 3.3.1) on a private trackers that reports as LC (local choking remote), but are fine after restart.

Win 7x64
by mpayan on 2014/09/13 07:46:21 PM    
Temporal solution.. change incoming port on home.
by Guest on 2014/09/15 11:15:52 AM    
Hello tixati users

just a guess
Another source of problem could be the router/modem
it may saturates the udp pool if working long time (severals days or a week)
the workaround is to reboot the router/modem

hope it helps
by User Name on 2015/02/15 05:00:24 PM    
I had this problem today - restarting Tixati and rebooting modem didn't work.  Changing VPN server didn't either.  I searched for the trackers that were timing out and in doing so I found a list of alternative trackers.  I added these to the torrent (you can edit the torrent tracker list easily in Tixati) and now all is fine.  So I would suggest adding the list of trackers found on the public site to your Tixati list:

(Trackers removed by Mod)

and see if that works for you.
by CriticalMass on 2016/03/18 06:07:43 AM    
If The modem its a phone's hotspot ? Any other known workaround?
by Guest on 2016/10/10 01:31:37 AM    
So it's not directly like OP, but no other results for "Tracker failure"
I am getting what I think is a properly bencoded tracker response.. BUT tixati doesn't decode it.

Under tracker tab says: Announce error from server: d14:failure reason10:Overloaded8:retry in2:60e
Which means "failure reason"-> Overloaded -> retry in -> 60 (min)
I recall seeing something like this for "errors when China's firewall sends you floods"

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