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v2.39-a2 released for testing

by Bugmagnet on 2016/05/27 06:27:39 AM

lots of channel event audio alert notification options added -- woohoo! Thank you DEVs

I don't see any mention on the change log about the file moving problems still being reported (  ) but it MAY have been addressed as
There have also been several minor GUI fixes applied throughout the program.

Test it more to see if more fixes are still needed.
by Guest on 2016/05/29 02:39:25 PM    
Anyone else reporting extremely long start ups on a2?? It's literally taking over 10mins on the "loading core objects screen".  Opens instantly upon uninstall and attempting to open "stock" but once I import my settings(colour scheme, 30 torrents, 10 channels) and then attempt to re open it hangs on that screen again for 10+mins.
by Guest on 2016/05/30 12:04:01 AM    
What OS? its loading regular for me on linux with 3 channels, 2000+ torrents(less than half are active) and default color scheme.

maybe send in your settings export and/or settings.dat file. that would help the devs narrow it down.

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