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Tips for Saving Downloads after BSoD (Blue Screen of Death)

by Guest on 2016/05/21 03:13:46 AM    
Tixati is my fave torrent client.

BSoD (Blue Screen of Death) happens too often with Tixati.

It occurs mainly with huge multi Gig files mainly. The problem seems to be with handling Memeory Management & I/O handling.

Happens with all my PCs & laptops, even beastly ones with top end CPUs & masses of RAM & SSDs.

And I am a programmer with postgrad research in computing at a top Uni with a couple of decades of programming. So the guy who peppered me last time with odd questions (like he does to others) please please please do not bother again my friend. Do projects with hundred+ thousand lines of code first, then pester others here. Oh I forgot, you're not a programmer. It really drives away many from posting here to share. Many who would have good advice to give to me and others, I am sure.

Now the tips for recovering lost files from BSoD crashes.

# After reboot from BSoD, run Tixati
# Stop all downloads
# Start double clicking from smaller files, this will check files for that download
# Chances are for the biggest download it will crash. This you let it check last.
# When checking, stop all other downloads.
# After checking and it resuming download, stop it downloading before checking the next bigger download.
# Before checking the final you might want to stop all and restart Tixati. (This sometimes eradicates the need for checking all others after another BSoD)

# Now start double clicking the biggest download which keeps giving BSoD
# Stop after every 10% and restart checking. If you do not, chances are it will crash again with BSoD
# Once it reaches 100% & downloads resumes, you can restart the rest too
# It might be best to finish all others before downloading the biggest one


Another Tip for resuming big files that do not check:

Rename the big download (I just add a X or 0 to beginning of file/folder name)
Restart that download from scratch 0%
Stop it & close Tixati
delete the new download file/folder
Rename back the original partial file
Restart Tixati but keep that download STOPPED
Right mouse click it
Choose Properties
Choose Options Tab (If I recall correctly, it is just before the last tab)
Choose CHECK options

Now it checks and if you had downloaded a few Gig before, it revives it for that slot
Start download again

I did this for many files and saved me downloading many gigs.


Finally with a heavy heart I am using more and more Vuze.

Please dev, fix this BSoD so I can return to my beloved Tixati 100%.

I feel it is facing memory management issues (even with 32GB RAM) and mainly just too hasty with I/O calls.

I think it is closing/opening i/o not in time and not with enough checks. It needs to double check even if sacrificing speed.

You know what is dev, please put in solid double checks for i/o streams and clusters.

I check for updates every day hoping it might have been fixed.

Thank you for your great work.
by Guest on 2016/05/21 05:01:18 PM    
thanks for the tips.

when it crashes are you sending in crash reports? that is the best way to get things fixed.
by Guest on 2016/05/21 06:03:33 PM    
Hi Guest,

Thanks for your comment. No I did not send in any logs. The reason is that over the last six months it crashed so much that it would be just bothering the dev(s). I checked them out myself some months ago, not much clues, just abrupt system crash and no time for logs. MS BSoD logs did not help either. They usually point to Mem Management but other times to IRQ interrupts, paging file sys errors, etc.

Needless to say I tried numerous fixes. One laptop crashed more than the other two as it had SSD for boot plus HDD, not as separate drives but mapped as C:. Upgrading that one from Win8 to Win10 reduced the number of BSoDs but still occurs more than the other laptops/PCs which crash on a regular basis. My systems are clean. BSoD occurs even when firewall & malware defence is off too. I tried numerous things.

I think this is a well known issue. Some more Points:

* It occurs usually on items over 2Gig, the larger the more frequent
* BSoD on very large files occurs within the horrible uTorrent Pro & Vuze too, but much less frequently than Tixati
* It seems not to be related to Windows versions, I tried many flasvours, though Win7 & Win10 seem to crash less than Win8 but still too much
* Error checking and correcting (low level) does not seem to help
* Tweaking Virtual memory or turning off does not help either, but in Win8 reduces BSoD just slightly, seems overall irrelevant

Basically I think Tixati is the fastest Torrent client and in that strength lies the problem. I feel it needs to double check during i/o operations when reading/writing clusters.

I think Windows basically reassigns the same memory and/or Disk space blocks to other processes or system memory and both (Tixati & Windows) are so fast that they clash. Like an ancient database system where a table is not locked and 2 users edit the same table. This can be difficult to fix. It might involve reserving large areas, double checks for block read/writes, same for using memory blocks which I feel is the case, or other measures.

It might be a good idea to implement these i/o & memory usage double checks for downloads over a gig, specially over 2 gig or more. As usually on smaller files BSoD occurs very rarely.

Anyway that has been my experiences over numerous crashes over several systems. Hope it helps dev(s).

Thanks again.
by Guest on 2016/05/22 04:04:26 AM    
you could export your settings when you have the crashes and send that to devs. support at tixati dot com. that should give them more answers.

and you should send in those crash reports, there are probably things the devs look at that you cant.
by washere on 2016/05/22 05:27:52 AM    

Another tip I learnt the hard way is to regularly export a backup of the config file, in preferences. Then if a config file gets corrupted during BSoD, you get your settings back.

Thanks again for the good work.
by Guest on 2016/05/28 06:09:54 AM    
there things to try:

0) check hdd's wiring/temperature; power lines (12v, 5v) voltages under 100% load - maybe it drops; memory module contacts;
1) check cache enabled/disabled like in and try another drivers for your sata devices
2) recheck badblocks with "chkdsk.exe /r"
3) resize ntfs journal (like "chkdsk.exe c: /l:65536" or even more)
4) allocate more space for ntfs data with
"fsutil.exe behavior set mftzone 4" and "fsutil.exe behavior set memoryusage 2"
5) check your pagefile.sys size and fragmentation, move it somewhere else or disable at all

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