Casper on 2016/05/02 12:11:59 PM
If you have a torrent selected and click on the "Details" tab, it shows "Swarm Avg Download B/s" and "Local Avg Upload B/s". The swarm one seems fine, but the local one I'm not sure about. To me it should read "Local Avg Download B/s".
It is reflecting my download speed - my line is 20Mbps down and 1Mbps up, so I can't really mix the two up.
Unless I'm not understanding it properly, I'd say it's a simple human error.
Casper on 2016/05/03 08:21:08 PM
Yes, but I was referring to a torrent that is downloading (sorry for being a little vague there). It would say local avg 'upload' instead of 'download'.
I see that it is actually correct but with a little push - the tab just needs a refresh and all is in order.
You see, say I had a seeding torrent selected and then selected a torrent that is downloading, the wording that should change, doesn't. But if you open another tab and go back to the Details tab, the wording is then correct. This is on Windows 10 x64 by the way. Not a major thing now that I know what the problem is, but just putting it out there.