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Add a intensive care unit (ICU) for weak torrents

by Guest on 2016/05/01 11:55:39 AM    

first of all thanks for your perfect program,
recently I am experiencing a problem which I guess others have too.
I can download my torrents only at 6 hours of the night, so i have to start all of them together to "squeeze every last drop of speed out of my internet connection".

But problem is some of my torrents are very well seeded but some have about only five seeds or even less.
For solving this problem I suggest to add a ICU part which you can add your weak torrents there and Tixati downloads them with their full potential and other strong torrents can use the bandwidth left from them.
I know I can do something with bandwidth tab but I don't think it's that efficient (still not sure) .

So thank for your time. and I'm looking forward for your opinions about this idea.

Sincerely Sali
by Bugmagnet on 2016/05/01 10:17:15 PM    
Tixati has a full-equipped, state of the art ICU

Create a category for "Emergency Room"
Change bandwidth properties for that category to:
  Incoming limit: No Limit
  Incoming Priority Group: Ultra High
  Incoming Peer allowance: x10

Every time you have an ailing torrent, send them to the Emergency Room
by Guest on 2016/05/10 07:41:56 PM    
It would be great if there was an expansion of these functions or a special pre-created category to allow extra treatment option to the worst of torrents.

Useful features from my personal experience with some very weak torrents would be a peer list that does not discard any peers it receives until a chosen time of inactivity expires (30 days would be a good default), much more frequent tracker / DHT / peer reconnection attempts (possibly at a personally chosen interval?) as well as saving every piece of blocks, even if incomplete.

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