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2.38.1 - Restart finished downloads without rechecking them

by Guest on 2016/04/30 11:55:02 PM    
The files don't exist anymore, so Tixati allocates them then wastes more time checking blank files.
The current solution is to delete the old torrent and add them back but almost all my torrents are downloaded through magnets and many have custom filenames.


Thanks in advance.
by Guest on 2016/05/01 03:28:44 AM    
Please expand on this.

What steps do you take to make it check a file it has just allocated?  On my system, it never checks a blank file after allocation, only but for a split second.  It's not actually reading the file.
by Guest on 2016/05/02 02:07:02 AM    
Delete finished file
Start the Completed torrent
Tixati starts allocating
Tixati starts checking the blank file

I had about 30gb of torrents to redownload and Tixati wanted to recheck every single byte of them. In the end I just deleted everything from the list and added and edited then all over again. Tedious, frustrating and unnecessary.
by BMu33 on 2016/05/02 10:10:04 AM    
Delete finished file
Start the Completed torrent

Why would you do this? Why delete and re-download a file you already have?

Sounds like a complete waste of time and the real problem here.
by Guest on 2016/05/03 12:18:37 AM    
what do you have the 'file allocation' set to? Settings-Transfers-Files

what os are you using?
how are you deleting the files? through tixati or os?
ive tried this with file allocation set to sparse(default) on linux and windows 10 and it doesn't seem to happen.

i have a finished torrent and i delete the file in the os.
i go back to tixati and click start on that torrent and it gives me the 'file missing force check to override' warning.
i force check and it checks really quick.
i then press start and it starts downloading.
by Guest on 2016/05/16 08:13:51 PM    
Sorry for the late response.

Because I did not do that.
I had to re-download the files because I formatted the drive they were first completed on.

what do you have the 'file allocation' set to? Settings-Transfers-Files
Sparse (default)

what os are you using?
Windows 7 x86

how are you deleting the files? through tixati or os?
I formatted the drive, the files were lost.

I had "Error on missing downloaded files" disabled but that isn't a factor since I tried with it on and deleted a blank, checking file only for it to start checking again.
by Guest on 2016/05/17 08:22:20 PM    
try alpha 2.39, it should be fixed.

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