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by MIKE MCCRANN on 2016/04/21 10:29:59 AM    
Everytime I get a file that is 4 mg or larger, Tixati says files too big, not enough space.  Where I am writing too, its a TB drive, so hard drive is not the problem.
by Guest on 2016/04/21 06:50:34 PM    
what os are you using?
what version of tixati?
is it all torrents over 4 megs?
is it a torrent over 4 megs or a single file over 4 megs?

maybe send that torrent to the devs with a small explanation. support at tixati dot com
by Bugmagnet on 2016/04/21 09:02:13 PM    
no such thing as mg for file size, so is it safe to assume you meant 4 gBytes?

That sounds like your disk is formatted to FAT32 and not NTSF. FAT32 has a hard limit of 4 GB file size regardless of the disk size.
by MIKE MCCRANN on 2016/04/22 05:16:43 AM    
thats it !  Thanks
by Guest on 2016/08/22 08:14:06 PM    
right click on the torrent file and select properties check which file is too large...delete the sub file and force check the torrent again download the corrupted sub file... looking forward MOON

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