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Cant seem to download

by Guest on 2016/04/18 09:48:25 AM    
Hi there

I hope someone out there can help me.

This is the message I received under my download.

    status: tracker failed with reason: access denied, banned by client

What does this mean?? Have I been banned from using Tixati??

I would greatly appreciate an urgent reply.

Kind regards

by Bugmagnet on 2016/04/18 07:42:35 PM    
As I understand it, the tracker creates the reason for the block.

Private trackers are often run by authoritarian types who dictate rather than serve. They feel the world needs them to be enforcers. In reality they tend to be simply control freaks, wanting to be in charge as they count beans.

It is a weird psycho-condition, trying to turn free and open sharing back into a piece by piece barter market, with them as the micro-managers.

google search "tixati banned private trackers' for pages and pages of justifications for their midget-mentality moves. They are pre-occupied with monitoring everyone's file sharing practices because someone just might be getting files for free. Imagine that... free information!

Build another world without such worries. Boycott private trackers, run by little neo-nazis with a Napoleon complex. I don't want them in my community until they are rehabilitated.

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