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Feedback on Tixati v2.35 Alpha-2

by Pete on 2016/04/07 09:22:43 PM    
I found a bug with the new incomplete file name formatting feature.

With it enabled, on the default setting: incomplete.$file, when I add a transfer that files are already completed in download location, Tixati won't recognise those files. I had to turn off the new feature, remove the transfer and load it again, to be checked as 100% complete. Closing and reopening Tixati wasn't enough, the transfer had to be loaded again with incomplete file name format disabled.

I am testing 64 bit Linux version on Ubuntu Mate 15.10.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/04/08 12:42:31 AM    
Hi pete

I am a but slow today and this is not so clear for me. What exactly were you trying to accomplish? It seems to relate to some pre-existing torrent/files rather than new ones right?

What exactly do you mean ...
when I add a transfer that files are already completed in download location, Tixati won't recognise those files

By 'transfer' I assume you mean a .torrent or magnet link right?

By 'download location', do you mean the folder for incoming files, before they are finished and moved to the completed/seeding location? Or was an attempt to add a torrent/transfer that was already completely finished, just loading it for seeding purposes or ?

For the torrent/transfer you tested, were some files complete and others not finished?
by Pete on 2016/04/08 06:07:30 PM    

I enabled the new incomplete file name feature and loaded an already completed torrent, used Stop button, then Force Check, this resulted in 0% complete. After disabling the feature, removing the torrent from list, adding it again, Stop, Force Check, Tixati checks 100% complete. Of course download location was the same, I don't use move on complete. If I Start the torrent with the feature enabled, Tixati makes new empty files with the prefix, next to already completed ones inside the torrent folder and starts to download.

Tixati v2.35-a3 also does this.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/04/08 08:20:46 PM    
so if I understand this, would you suggest that tixati should check for preexisting files both by $file and Incomplete.$file ?

Would that help make it behave as you expect?
by Pete on 2016/04/08 09:48:37 PM    
Yes, I would expect Tixati does the same thing as usually. It first checks download location if files are already there, then what is their progress (are they 100% complete or partially downloaded). Ignoring files without prefix prevents Tixati to find 100% complete files.

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