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Feature request: provide MEANINGFUL accuracy

by Guest on 2016/04/07 04:15:01 AM    
This is a repeat of a request I made on the old forum.

The Transfers window gives status information on download ETAs that has a ridiculous and meaningless amount of detail. If a transfer is due to end 3 days (or even 3 hours) away, there is no way the number of seconds is relevant or meaningful. I realise that it's just doing a division of quantity of stuff left divided by current download speed, but that last fluctuates so wildly, second to second, that the precision given is a joke when the seconds (and to be fair, often the minutes too) go up and down with the smallest change in an otherwise pretty constant download speed.

Since it's the nature of torrents to be highly variable in speed, it actually looks amateur to provide this meaningless pseudo-accuracy just because you can, or (more likely) because the library you are using to do the time maths gives it and you are too lazy to sanity-check the result. And by adding useless, distracting information you are obscuring the significant - if something's going to take 3 days no-one cares about the precise minutes and seconds. The 3 days (and perhaps hours) is the only significant data, and until that time the download speeds will vary so much that even that will probably be wildly inaccurate.

Do us a favour, and reduce the CPU load a fraction, by truncating the ETA to days/hours/minutes and dropping the seconds. Seeing the numbers vary every window update tick is distracting as well as not providing useful information. Seconds will *only* be relevant and in any sense accurate when you are down to the last few minutes - maybe under an hour at the outside. By comparing the last truncated, rounded-off-to-minutes ETA before writing a new identical one unnecessarily to the screen you could also shave CPU time there.

Conversely, as previously requested, the one place you do NOT provide enough detailed information is on the same screen, where you give the progress % value with no decimal places. The difference between 0% and 0.1% is significant when you are starting a download, so you know things are happening. Having to wait till 1% to see any numerical progress is frustrating, especially on very large torrents. Give us a single decimal place there (or the option for it).

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