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Auto Merge Files

by Black_Sun on 2016/03/30 05:58:51 PM    
Please add the posibility to merge files with the same name. Pleeeeease.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/03/31 05:10:59 AM    
names are irrelevant
file size and hash must match
by Guest on 2016/03/31 08:28:40 AM    
Yes please! I would like several slow/incomplete torrents that happen to have the same file to work together to complete a download.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/04/01 03:48:15 PM    
ok.. as I understand that, that would be a different matter

others have asked for this If I am now understanding what you mean, allowing the same file in different torrents to be downloaded/completed from peers/seeds in either or both torrent swarms.

by shinesonline@gmail.com on 2016/04/02 10:05:10 AM    
Already available in Vuze.
by Guest on 2016/09/21 04:33:57 PM    
Problem with swarm merge.. extra overhead for no gain when talking about files less than one piece long.
Long ago Vuze allowed "padding files" so each file took up a piece and there were no "cross file pieces"
This is where a piece has more than 1 file in it.
For each file it is possible to have at most 2 cross file pieces, for BEGIN and END of file.
For single files in a transfer, cross file pieces aren't a problem but exact byte match is needed, this relies on version/release/etc.

Then you consider the piecesize. There are a determinable number of possible hash values for EACH file ... Start at 16 Kib and move up. Routinely seeing large DVD files with 8 or 16 Mib piece sizes... There are 11 options in between there. FOR EACH FILE.

Now consider "how do i implement it" .. that is probably why Swarm Merge isn't an option in Tixati. (For fun, take a popular file you want to seed, and see how many people have used alternate piece sizes... you can use create torrent in Tixati, but change the drop-down for piecesize from *(DEFAULT) . .. go up or down. See how many peers didn't use the default size.
When sharing that file, feel free to share the problems with non-standard checking algorithm for piecesize decision when making a transfer.
And that's ignoring ALL the extra bull files we now have because magnet: doesn't supply "comment" easily. I just want to share data, not marketing.

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