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Feature Request - Scheduler Improvements

by Guest on 2016/03/25 07:56:42 PM    
Would like to see improvements to the scheduler such that we could schedule things to happen "between" time points as well as "Repeat tasks" every X minutes/hours/days, etc., until either x number of repeats or a specific time, etc.

So, for example, I only want Tixati to download between 1am and 4am.  I can start a task at 1am to download, and start another at 4am to stop, but if a .torrent is dropped in the watch folder after 1am, it won't start until the next day.  If the checkbox to "Start New Transfers" is enabled, it will start downloading 24x7.  We only want it to start new transfers between the desired times.

The repeat tasks function should be self explanatory, but to continue the example above, we could run the task to start transfers at 1am and then repeat that every 10 minutes until 4am, etc.

Both features would have very broad appeal for multiple uses and extend the scheduler capabilities of the program greatly.

Thank you for your consideration.

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