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how do you use taxati

by Guest on 2016/03/09 03:16:46 PM    
I don't know how taxati works?
by Bugmagnet on 2016/03/10 09:59:09 PM    
It works by magic.

How does it work?

Once the Tixati software is installed, starting a download is easy.

First, the user finds a .torrent file on the web.  A .torrent file is very small, and contains meta-data describing the much larger file that is to be downloaded from a swarm of other peers.  These .torrent files can be easily found by using Google, or one of hundreds of Torrent Sites which also feature organized categories for the user to browse.

Once the user has chosen and downloaded a .torrent file from the web, they simply open it from within Tixati by clicking the 'Add' button.  After the .torrent is opened, Tixati connects to other peers in the swarm and downloads the desired files automatically, leaving them in a convenient 'Downloads' folder on the user's desktop.

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