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Banned client

by brinkokz on 2016/03/09 02:09:00 PM    
I love Tixati but it is banned on one of the sites I use regularly
Does anybody know how to persuade 'them' to approve Tixati?
I asked but they did not seem receptive.
by ZarkBit on 2016/03/09 03:16:17 PM    
Ask them to let you do a trial, use Tixati on their site for a week or a month and see if there's any data leak, compare the data from Tixati to the site stats.

I'm on the same bot as you, currently gathering info on a private server to prove that Tixati no longer has data leaks, or that it doesn't report false values.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/03/09 07:45:58 PM    

Are those running such private trackers interested in liberating, open sharing or are they rather "control freaks", wanting to maintain some position of authority over some selected files?

The bittorrent protocol was designed to share freely and then has some 'carrots', bonuses, for those that demonstrate they are willing to give back, not just take. It works rather well I think as is and doesn't need another layer of self-appointed media-mizers. Boycott them.

by Guest on 2016/03/09 09:10:40 PM    
since public torrenting is not exactly safe nowadays, tightly closed private tracker seem like safe heavens :)

you can modify peerid, header and announce for selected tracker to look like some allowed client, ofc at your own risk.
by Bugmagnet on 2016/03/10 10:05:12 PM    
you can try to create a 'safe haven', but I don't understand how irrationally banning particular clients for petty reasons helps facilitate that. there is a difference from being a freedom fighter and a control freak.

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