There are no universally perfect, optimal settings that work for everyone. There are just too many factors affecting one's connection and bittorrent performance. There are also many factors affecting the individual speed you can get out of each torrent.
ISP capping, routers and ports, contracted speed vs effective speed, the speed of other users in the torrent you're trying to download, relative distances to other users, the frigging time of day... the list goes on and on.
Basically, start here:
Make sure that your bittorrent ports are properly forwarded in your router and firewall. Download a torrent with lots of fast seeders on it and compare its performance to any specific one that is causing you trouble, as a comparison reference (i.e. to make sure it's just related to that one torrent, and not your connection overall).
It's also important to keep computing measurement units in mind. For instance, you stated that your download speed is 39 mbps. That means roughly 4.8 MBytes/s. Which means that, under IDEAL circumstances, you should be able to download your 4GBytes torrent in about 15 minutes.
But in the real world and due to all the above, IDEAL is not always the case. If the torrent has few seeders (?) or they have a slow speed, nothing more you can do about it. If the torrent has only one initial seeder (?) and everyone else are still downloading just like you, nothing more you can do about it. And if there are NO seeders but only downloaders (?) with just a part of the files just like you, you certainly can't do anything more about it. And so on. Regardless of what it is, do mind that torrents, especially several-Gigabytes-sized ones, are not something you click on "download" and stay there looking at it with your arms crossed, waiting for it to arrive. You click on "download", and you go do other stuff. IF there are seeders, it will arrive when it does. :)
If you stumble into a wall let us know by stating clearly what tests you did and what is happening exactly - the more specific you can be and the more data you can give us, the higher the chances of someone being able to help.