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[Hosts RSS Redirection] Error getting torrent info from RSS

by Guest on 2016/03/02 09:05:56 AM    

For quite some time I've used tixati's RSS function to check the latest torrents, but for quite some time I've seen errors while fetching the info of some. More recently I reasoned what's likely the issue.

The RSS feed in question is the ebook section of a well know tracker. Some time ago the main access point was blocked and people were forced to use an official unblocked proxy to access it and it was business as usual.

If I opened the web-link for an unsuccessful fetch, the blocked website opened. To solve this I used the hosts file to redirect from the blocked address to the unblocked one. I verified that it was working by repeating the test procedure, successfully opening the web page for the specific torrent and downloading it.

Sadly, when I attempted to download directly from the feed, I got a 404 for the unsuccessful transfers, even though the link was working just fine.

I'm thinking that the only option if that the RSS feed, at the time of retrieval was in an incomplete or "incorrect" state and thus the same happens for the info retrieved. Nevertheless, due to the size of the feed, update frequency (10 mins) and the fact that tixati is running 24/7 on that specific comp. Part of me finds it hard to believe.

Does anyone have an idea?

Best regards
by Guest on 2016/03/02 02:35:34 PM    
send the rss feed with a short explanation to the devs. support at tixati dot com

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