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What is expected from "Merge Torrents"?

by Bugmagnet on 2016/03/01 08:35:49 PM    
In the process of housekeeping, I was renaming a few torrents.

In the process, One torrent reported

New Folder Name Already Exists
Would you like to attempt to merge folders?

One was 41.5 MiB  and the other 83 MiB. Some of the files of the first seemed to match a few in the larger one, but others, though the same material were different file sizes.

What would happen on a merge?

Would the contents of both be merged into common folders, deduplicating when a match, and them made available to seed both torrents?

I tried to rename a different torrent and got:
Name Already Exists
The name you specified for this file already exists and can not be merged.

The torrent with the same name had 3 files and this one only 1. That file matched the name of a file in the 1st but had a slightly different size.

I have tried to search for any documentation on what the purpose and behavior of this torrent "merge" process, but finding none, am left bewildered.

What is going on with it? What triggers the different messages on name clash as to when merging is an option and when it is not?

Is it perhaps that this latter torrent had only 1 file and no folder, whereas the other with a matching name was a small, 3 file collection?

And on further testing with these 2, I tried to rename the collection torrent with the same name as the torrent containing only a file and got:
Name Already Exists
The name you specified for this folder already in use by a file.

That seems to explain part of the difference, a clash with a torrent containing a file vs one containing a folder of files.
by Guest on 2016/10/18 03:35:34 AM    
Tixati expects byte-match. This makes its "force recheck" not as robust as say uTorrent.
If a file is tried to merge, but the lengths differ, you may get an "ERROR: File is too big"
As you pointed out elsewhere  in your "magic of the merge" you need to specify the transfer name FIRST (first merge).. This is an issue when the files are the same but in a different parent folder.
SECOND the files need to be named the same, OR you can relocate each file 1 by 1.

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