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why not just max out incoming Kbs for speed? I get 1200kbs in

by jnpsteve on 2016/02/22 02:59:19 AM    
My question is why not just max out Kbs in...for higher speeds 1200 kbs in a slow or good speed? I'm newbe...just found a fast way to download and seems to work good...thanks for any answers forthcoming...
by Napsterbater on 2016/02/23 12:24:25 AM    
Then just dont set a speed limit?
by Guest on 2016/02/25 05:04:37 AM    
I set my incoming bits to 1500 or as not to limit my incoming bits...don't know if it's the best way...asking here I get 1200 kbs incoming...but don't know if it's good or if I should be getting higher?
by Bugmagnet on 2016/02/25 05:53:58 PM    
First, lets get it clear... there is a difference between kb/s and kB/s
b = bits
B = bytes = b x 8

Tixati's BW limits are set in BYTES, kB/s

so an incoming limit of 1500 kB/s is 12000 kbits/s

What level of BW does your ISP supply you with?  Have you done an online speedtest to see if you are getting what you are paying for?

I am confused by this:
I set my incoming bits to 1500 or as not to limit my incoming bits

Setting a limit does just that..."limits your incoming bits" (as bytes)

use some internet search engine with this: limit bandwidth

read the first 10 or 20 results and you'll learn from numerous posts on this forum in the past.

and of course:

finally, outgoing limit has a crucial impact on download speeds. We'll get into that later if need be.
by Napsterbater on 2016/02/25 06:30:01 PM    
Ah Now I understand what you are saying. Ignore My first post, follow Bugmagnet's advice.
by cuthbert.nibbles on 2016/02/25 11:02:43 PM    
Setting your in limit gives Tixati an idea of what it has to work with, it makes prioritization possible, and, although I can't confirm it, allows Tixati to reason about how much overhead it has to leave for talking with peers about stuff that isn't strictly your data (eg, tracker communication, DHT, getting new peers, identifying new peers, knowing what peers need and have, etc). I also find it helps stabilize my download speed, I know what my max is and set it just a bit under that. Whether it speeds it up or not I can't confirm, but it makes predicted download times better.

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