by Guest on 2016/02/20 03:39:11 PM
I'm trying to completly download a file and i have different torrents in tixati which contains the same file.
Lets say its a linux distro.
From the first torrent i download %80 of the file. (All the peers in the torrent has max. 80 percentage of the distro)
And from the second torrent i download the remaning parts. (All the peers in this torrent has max. 40 percentage of the disto).
So i download the first torrent and copy the downloaded part to second torrents folder. Then i "force recheck" the second torrent and i download the remaining parts of the distro. This way i achive to download the file completly from 2 non-complete torrents.
Is there a way to combine these 2 torrents in tixati, so it automatically downloads the missing pieces of these torrents from each other.
I post it as a feuture request,cause i couldn't able see this option in tixati.
This would be great.