by Guest on 2016/02/16 11:50:16 PM
Hi Tixati,
I know this has been asked in the past, but it has popped up again since v2.33 I think.
Windows SmartScreen warns about the file signature being insecure / untrusted.
I don't believe there is anything significant to worry about personally, but I would like
to suggest that you update your signature from SHA1 to something that the industry adheres to
as globally considered a secure cipher.
Since last I checked, v2.34-1, the signature is still SHA1, and if I am not remembering incorrectly,
I think that MS (for their browsers and other function such as SmartScreen) and several
other browser making companies officially are actively blocking/warning for SHA1 ciphers.
If you upgrade the signature cipher all the warnings and worries for your users might be a
thing of the past.
Again, it's just a hunch, but maybe worth looking into.
Best Regards and kickass product btw,
Tixati User ;)