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v2.32-a4 - Folder watch with network mapped drives support

by Guest on 2016/02/12 09:53:20 AM    
Setting tixati to use a watch folder that is on a mapped drive (P:\DLFOLDER that maps to \\server\DLFOLDER for example) doesn't work. Torrent files copied to P:\DLFOLDER when it is set in the  don't trigger auto loading of torrents/files. The filesystemwatcher probly doesn't support mapped drives somehow. Is there a way to give a option to manually poll the filesystem for directory contents to autoload them? A manual filesystem directory fetch will show the new files while a filesystemwatcher doesn't trigger it seems. Edit: Found this in the log - [1:42:47 AM]  directory watcher error: Incorrect function. (1)  > P:\DLFOLDER
by KH on 2016/02/12 06:00:57 PM    
Yes, you are correct that change notifications (win32 ReadDirectoryChangesW) are not supported on network drives in Windows.

We are working on a solution that polls the folder and compares changes manually, but it's not quite ready yet, and we have to sort out some performance considerations with this.

I hope to have a solution soon...
by Guest on 2016/02/13 05:27:32 AM    
I am an amateur programmer compared to yourself, and have little business giving you coding recommendation. This feature is byfar the most common feature I hear mentioned for Tixati in the office (without using the WebUI), and would allow a common watch folder pool among multiple clients, so multiple clients can queue for a single tixati as well as eliminate duplicate downloading of torrents on the network. I have a demon that current runs on the server that watches P:\DLFOLDER and pushes the torrents into tixati and logs which it has already pushed, basically giving it the functionality you doing. Would give a million cheers for this feature integrated. Every single person I know now uses Tixati, it is a masterpiece among masterpieces. I Thankyou and your team for this otherworldly piece of must-have software.

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